Search for display stove

Anyone with a stove similar to this is asked to contact Sue Jaensch on 5957 2872.

THE Sanctuary is searching for a stove.
Healesville Sanctuary is constructing a new program enclosure for the mountain pygmy-possum and is asking the community to help with its search for an old-fashioned stove.
The enclosure is attempting to re-create the inside of a ski lodge, which will include the old stove, in an effort to help connect students with local species.
The ski lodge enclosure is significant because the mountain pygmy-possum was thought to be extinct up until they were found in a ski lodge near Mt Hotham in 1966.
Mountain pygmy-possums are Australia’s only hibernating marsupial and it is estimated that less than 2000 of the animals exist in the wild – it is currently listed as critically endangered.
The enclosure will attempt to help tell students the story of bringing a species back from the brink of extinction.
Healesville Sanctuary is urging anyone who may have an old stove, similar to the one pictured, to contact Sue Jaensch on 5957 2872.