Longest wildlife patient leaves Sanctuary to soar once more

After 389 days a mighty Wedge-tailed Eagle has soared back into the sky following life-saving care at Healesville Sanctuary’s state […]

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‘Koality arrest’: Police catch criminal koala in Yarra Junction

Police made a “koality arrest” when responding to a burglary in progress in Yarra Junction last night. The resident’s barking […]

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Alice in Wonderland as generous Queenslander promises off-grid power

The story of Yarra Junction resident Alice Underwood and her mother’s battle to get access to electricity for their home […]

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Reminder of autumn fire risk and being prepared

The early autumn bushfire which burned 40 hectares after rapidly doubling in size in Montrose is a stark reminder of […]

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Millgrove’s spectacular lighting event on again in 2025

Millgrove is going to be lit up again for a unique lighting event combined with theatrical and music performances on […]

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Could CCTV have caught war memorial vandals?

The damage done to the Seville War Memorial could have been caught on CCTV if a promised camera had been […]

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