Reshuffle raises MP stakes

David Hodgett

FORMER Yarra Ranges Mayor David Hodgett and Eastern Victoria Region MP Edward O’Donohue have both been promoted under the new Premier’s cabinet reshuffle.
With Denis Napthine’s rise to Premier after Ted Baillieu stepped down in a shock exit last week, a cabinet reshuffle has seen a number of changes in the 22-person cabinet.
Five women, one more than under Baillieu, and eight ministers from outside of Melbourne as well as five Nationals MPs are involved in the new cabinet.
Mr Hodgett, who was Cabinet Secretary, will take on the crucial portfolio of Ports, Major Projects and Manufacturing.
While Mr O’Donohue, who was Parliamentary Secretary for Transport, becomes Premier Napthine’s Parliamentary Secretary.
Mr Hodgett said he was thrilled to be given the opportunity to serve the Napthine Coalition Government.
“Kilsyth is a manufacturing hub of the outer east, and I am excited about having responsibility for these important portfolios,” he said.
“From my time as councillor and mayor of Yarra Ranges, as well as my experiences in State Government, I have listened to many and varied viewpoints and experienced first-hand the issues which affect Victorians and local industry.
Mr Hodgett said he would draw on his experience in his new role.
Mr O’Donohue said it had been a great privilege to work with Minister Terry Mulder and his team as his Parliamentary Secretary for Transport since the change of Government in 2010.
“I welcome the opportunity to work with Premier Napthine as his Parliamentary Secretary and I look forward to continuing the work of the Coalition team to deliver good government for Victorians,” he said.