WESBURN Primary School was the first school to officially involve its playgroup in the Victorian Premiers Reading Challenge as part of the National Year of Reading.
Students had to read a certain number of books on the challenge book list depending on their year level, and younger students were able to read with the help of parents and teachers.
Playgroup teacher Naomi Parsons said the children had to meet the challenge the same as the prep level, by reading at least 30 books with the help of parents and teachers.
“We have our book loan system so many parents borrowed books and took them home to read,” she said.
“We met the challenge as a group and individually as well.”
Ms Parsons said it was important to encourage children and parents to read books together.
“It’s all about reading and sharing literacy… we’ve had storytellers and parents have come in and read to the children,” she said.
“Reading books together brings you closer, too.”
More than half of the school also met the challenge individually.
The playgroup’s participation in the Victorian Premiers Reading Challenge was supported by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and was regarded as the first in a pilot trial.