Dukes of rhythm

Healesville band The Dukes of Despair (from left) Kim Farrell, Jeff Jenkins, Tony McKay and David Johnston. Picture: Brock Lambeth. 88284_01

DUKES of Despair’s debut CD Wood, Wire and Skin inspired Australian roots music magazine Rhythm to comment, ” … honest acoustic rock music … a great sound, part Australian bush folk, part Travelling Wilburys, part Texan troubadour.”
The Dukes, Kim Farrell, Jeff Jenkins, Tony McKay and David Johnston, return to Healesville for the first time since their gig at the Healesville Music Festival in March to launch their new all-original album Skin & Bone.
Joining them at Mocha & Lime on what promises to be another unforgettable night with the popular home-grown band will be Joe Talia on lap steel guitar, mandolin and banjo, keyboard player Andrew King and violinist Rachel Blake.
The band will showcase the nine new Skin & Bone songs along with other original favourites at the launch on Saturday, 13 October.
Doors open from 6pm for meals with the band playing from 8pm. To book phone 5962 2288.
Visit www.dukesofdespair.com.au for a full gig guide for Dukes of Despair.