By Kath Gannaway
HISTORIC cars, motorbikes and side cars are set to shine at the 31st Historic Winton race meeting in Benalla on 26 and 27 May.
Australia’s largest and most popular all-historic motor race meeting presents two action-packed days of non-stop racing featuring over 400 historic racing cars and motorbikes from the 1920s to the 1980s.
As well as beautiful old vehicles, there’s all the thrills of more modern racers and other events starting on 24 May.
Highlights include the RACV Classic Car and Motorbike Rally, a display of race cars and classic vehicles, including the first appearance of the restored Brock 01, two days of non-stop racing including the Great Aussie Specials, pre-War events and the Tin Top racing sedans from the 1960s such as Cortinas, Minis, Mustangs and Holdens.
On the Sunday, the Historic Holdens vs Historic Fords clash is sure to provide plenty of entertainment on the track and in the stands.
Also on display will be Phil Munday’s early model FX Holden – Brock 05 – which Peter Brock took to Goodwood in September 2006.
“Brock 05 will join Brock 01 at the Benalla Civic Centre on the Friday afternoon and will also do a lap of honour with Brock 01 prior to the Ford vs Holden event on Sunday afternoon,” said Historic Winton spokesperson Jo Polkington.
“As always we’re inviting owners of ‘old cars’ to bring their vehicles and to join the picnic atmosphere in the carpark display area,” she added.
“Historic Winton is not only for petrol heads, rev heads and bikies,” Ms Polkington said. “There’s plenty of action for the whole family.”
The meeting is organised by volunteers from the Austin Seven Club Inc, with assistance from the Historic Motorcycle Racing Association Vic.
For information and tickets phone Noel Wilcox after hours on 5428 2689.
Win tickets
FOR a chance to win one of 10 double weekend passes to Historic Winton, write the name of one of the Tin Top cars on the back of an envelope, along with your name, address and a contact phone number, and send it to Mail Winton Competition, PO Box 470, Healesville, 3777. Entries close at 5pm on Tuesday, 15 May.