EVELYN Holsman, director of Australian Bone Density Testing Centre, makes no bones about it, osteoporosis (brittle bones) is something that needs to be tackled early.
“There is currently a fracture every 8.1 minutes in Australia due to osteoporosis, but the amazing fact is that it preventable and treatable,” she said.
Ms Holsman said bones affected by osteoporosis became thin, fragile and broke easily, but the condition was not an inevitable part of ageing.
“You’re never too young to begin prevention of bone loss and never too old to start treatment for osteoporosis," she said.
According to Ms Holsman, osteoporosis has no symptoms or early warning signs, so bone loss can progress undetected for many years until a fracture occurs.
Ms Holsman said that made a simple bone density test crucial.
“This test is inexpensive and fast and it can assess a person’s risk of fracture before they break a bone,” she said.
“The sooner the risk is assessed, the more time and information people have to keep bones healthy and prevent osteoporosis.”
Established in 1995, the Australian Bone Density Testing Centre provides regular ultrasound bone-density testing in pharmacies in metropolitan and regional Victoria.
In Yarra Ranges, testing will be available at Belgrave Pharmacy on Wednesday, 16 August and at Yarra Junction Soul Pattinson Chemist on Friday, 1, September.
No referral is required for the test that costs $50 or $45 for pensioners.
Ms Holsman said the teat was completely safe and painless.
“Each consultation helps individuals identify and minimise risk by discussing the lifestyle factors needed to maintain healthy bones,” she said.
“Trained operators perform the test, explain the result and provide an information booklet on bone and related health topics.”
Ms Holsman said the goal was to alert individuals to the importance of bone health, its impact on overall health and well being and the need to take action to ensure early assessment of risk, timely prevention and treatment of osteoporosis throughout life.
“Today life begins at 50 – not 40 anymore – and we can expect to live well into our 80s. For quality of life we need strong bones to carry us around, she said.
Ms Holsman recommended women who were 40-plus, men over 50, or anyone more than 20 years of age who is concerned about their bones should consider having a bone density test.
“Unfortunately many people do not take their bone health seriously until it’s too late to prevent fractures,” she warned.
To book a bone-density test at Belgrave phone 9754 2011 and at Yarra Junction, phone 5967 1193.
At Mount Evelyn Pharmacy testing will take place on Wednesday, 23 August. Phone 9736 2949.
For further information visit www.bonedensitytesting.com.au website.