THE strawberry season is beginning and residents are being encouraged to buy and eat local produce, following a range of promotions through the Yarra Ranges.
To celebrate, Wandin’s Kookaberry Strawberry Farm and Yarra Valley Chocolaterie and Ice Creamery will be teaming up until 31 October to offer the classic culinary mix of strawberries and chocolate.
The chocolaterie’s Strawberry Affair promotion will run for two weeks at the Yarra Glen venue, featuring numerous combinations of chocolate and strawberries made in the Yarra Valley for visitors to enjoy.
Meanwhile, Inspiro Community Health has launched its Buy Local Eat Seasonal brochure, which promotes the importance of supporting local produce growers.
The brochure has seasonal dates for produce such as cherries, peaches, figs and apricots, and lists local Yarra Ranges farms where fruits and vegetables can be bought.
With providers such as Yarra Valley Gateway Estate in Coldstream, Victorian Strawberry Fields in Silvan and Kookaberry Strawberry Farm in Wandin, there’s no shortage of choices for fresh berries from local growers.
For the Buy Local Eat Seasonal brochure, visit www.inspiro.org.au.
For more information about the Strawberry Affair event, visit www.yvci.com.au.